Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 6/30/23

Year: 2023
Pazarlama, Tüketici Davranışı, Ürün ve Marka Yönetimi
Dijital Pazarlama, Pazarlama İletişimi, Tüketici Davranışı, Ürün ve Marka Yönetimi, Girişimcilik, Örgütsel Davranış
Asst. Prof. Dr. İpek ÖZENİR HATAY MUSTAFA KEMAL ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-0684-0938
İşçi Sağlığı ve İş Güvenliği, Çok Ölçütlü Karar Verme, Üretimde Optimizasyon, Lojistik, Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa ASLAN İstanbul Gelişim University

Scientific Journal of Innovation and Social Sciences Research (SJISSR) is an international, peer-reviewed, scholarly, and open access journal in the field of social sciences. SJISSR aims to publish original and scientific academic articles in accordance with international publishing principles. SJISSR is indexed by EuroPub, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, Idealonline and started its publication life in 2021. It is published twice a year, in June and December. SJISSR focuses on theoretical and applied original academic articles in Turkish and English.

SJISSR is a journal that publishes theoretical and applied original academic articles in Turkish and English. Manuscripts submitted to SJISSR for publication are initially evaluated by the editorial board. SJISSR employs a double-blind refereeing policy in the article evaluation process. Each scientific article that is deemed suitable for the journal is reviewed by at least two referees. Following the journal's standard peer review process, accepted articles are published free of charge. In order for an article to be published in SJISSR, it must not have been previously published elsewhere, must comply with the standards of academic writing, and must be original. Papers that have not been previously published elsewhere and presented as abstracts at scientific meetings can be converted into article format and published in SJISSR. However, an author cannot have more than one article in the same issue of SJISSR. The authors of the relevant article are responsible for the ideas, opinions, thoughts, conclusions, suggestions, etc. presented therein.

Articles to be published in SJISSR must not have been published anywhere else before, must comply with academic standards and must be original. Papers presented at scientific meetings that have not been previously published elsewhere can be converted into article format and published in SJISSR. However, an author cannot have more than one article in the same issue. The responsibility for the ideas, opinions, conclusions and recommendations contained in the articles belongs to the authors of the relevant article.


National and international research and publication ethics rules must be followed when submitting manuscripts to SJISSR Journal.
The manuscripts should not have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication.
The length of the manuscripts should be between 5,000-8,500 words in journal format, including tables and figures, but excluding references. In exceptional cases, it is recommended to contact the journal editor.
Upon acceptance for publication, SJISSR Journal will obtain all publication rights.
It is important to note that author names should not be included in the manuscripts uploaded to the system.
After the initial evaluation by the editorial board, the manuscripts submitted to the journal will be sent to two referees. The decision to publish the manuscript will be based on the reports of the referees. If necessary, the author will be asked to correct the manuscript according to the reports. The manuscript may be rejected or sent to a third referee. The author will be notified of the decision as soon as possible.
The SJISSR Journal is published in Turkish and English. For manuscripts written in Turkish, a separate page should be dedicated to the Turkish and English abstracts, each consisting of no more than 200 words. Additionally, the title of the manuscript should be provided in both Turkish and English, along with at least three keywords in each language.
When writing in English, it is important to proofread both the article and the abstract.
Plagiarism reports for all articles submitted to the journal must be uploaded to the journal system along with the article. Only studies with a maximum similarity rate of 20% in the reports will be accepted for referee evaluation.

The Rules of Form

The manuscript should be written in Word format with 1.5 line spacing and 11-point Times New Roman font size in the main sections.
The abstract and introduction sections should be in 10-point Times New Roman font size.
References should be written in 11-point Times New Roman font size with single line spacing.
Tables and figures should be centered, and the text in the table should be written in 9-point Times New Roman font size. Tables and figures should be centered, and the text in the table should be written in 9-point Times New Roman font size. Table titles should be written above the table and figure titles should be written below the figure. References should be written under the tables and figures. Table titles should be in bold format, written in Times New Roman and 11-point font, and the title should be continued by placing a period after the number (Table 1.). The title should also be written in Times New Roman, with the first letters of the words capitalized and in non-bold format.
The article title should be centered on the page, written in Times New Roman font, size 11, and in bold capital letters.
All section headings, including the introduction and conclusion, should be written in bold font with only the first letter of each word capitalized. Section headings should be numbered as 1, 1.1, 1.1.1,, and Titles other than these should be italicized.
When separating decimal fractions, follow the rules of the language in which the article is written. For example, use ',05' for Turkish and '.05' for English. Numbers should be written as 9.900 (nine thousand nine hundred) for Turkish and 9,900 (nine thousand nine hundred) for English. Equations should be centered in the text with sequence numbers in parentheses on the right side of the page.

Organizing Studies

The manuscripts should include the following headings;
• Abstract
• Introduction,
• Conceptual/Theoretical Framework,
• Method,
• Results and Discussion.
• Conclusion and Recommendations
• Sources
• Attachments

References and Bibliography

• References and bibliography will follow the APA 7 (American Psychological Association) guidelines (https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples/journal-article-references ).

• References cited in the text will be parenthesized and the bibliography will be prepared in accordance with this citation system.

Publication Ethics Statement

SJISSR places a significant emphasis on the importance of ethical standards in academic publishing. As a result, it adheres to the guidelines and recommendations set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), the Declaration of Helsinki, and the Inter-University Council (UAK).

Articles published in SJISSR must not have been previously published elsewhere, must comply with academic standards, and must be original. Papers that have not been previously published elsewhere and presented as abstracts at scientific meetings can be converted into article format and published in SJISSR. However, an author cannot have more than one article in the same issue of SJISSR.

Each manuscript submitted to SJISSR is subjected to a double-blind review process, involving an editor and at least two referees. In the event that any unethical behavior, such as plagiarism, duplication, false authorship or confessed authorship, research or data fabrication, article slicing, publication by slicing, copyright infringement, or concealment of a conflict of interest is identified in the submitted articles, the author(s) will be informed of this situation through the editorial board, and the article will be rejected. In the event that these circumstances are identified subsequent to the publication of the article, the editorial board will withdraw the article from circulation and notify the author's institution(s) of the situation.

Upon uploading a study to our journal, it is imperative that the corresponding Ethics Committee document be included. In the event that a study is not included in the study group that requires ethics committee approval, the relevant declaration form must be signed, indicating this situation. Additionally, the pertinent details must be included in the article text.
Should the study submitted to our journal fall within the scope of research requiring ethics committee approval, it is mandatory to upload the Ethics Committee Permission Certificate with the study. All research conducted in accordance with the aforementioned guidelines is subject to ethics committee approval.

Should the study submitted to our journal fall within the scope of research requiring ethics committee approval, it is mandatory to upload the Ethics Committee Permission Certificate with the study. Any research that requires ethics committee approval is defined as research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, interview techniques, the use of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes, clinical research on humans, research on animals, and retrospective studies in accordance with the personal data protection law. Furthermore, it is expected that each study submitted to our journal will be checked for plagiarism using programs such as Turnitin and iThenticate. The results of this check will be included in the "Plagiarism Report Result" form, which will be sent with the study file in the first submission of the article. If the similarity rate exceeds 20% in the submitted studies, the study will be rejected.

 Prior to submission of the manuscript, it is imperative that the principles and policies of publication ethics, which are based on international standards and principles, and the journal's editorial guidelines be carefully read. By submitting a manuscript to the journal, authors are thereby declaring their acceptance of these principles and rules.

Publication Ethics

SJISSR places a significant emphasis on the importance of ethical standards in academic publishing. As a result, it adheres to the guidelines and recommendations set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), the Declaration of Helsinki, and the Inter-University Council (UAK).
It is a requirement of the SJISSR that articles submitted for publication must not have been previously published elsewhere, must comply with the standards of academic rigour, and must be original. Papers that have not been previously published elsewhere and presented as abstracts at scientific meetings can be converted into article format and published in the SJISSR. However, an author cannot have more than one article in the same issue of the SJISSR.
Each article submitted to SJISSR is subjected to a double-blind review process, involving an editor and at least two referees. In the event that any unethical behavior is identified, such as plagiarism, duplication, false authorship, research/data fabrication, article slicing, or copyright infringement, the author(s) of the article will be informed of this situation through the editorial board and the article will be rejected. In the event that these circumstances are identified subsequent to the publication of the article, the editorial board will withdraw the article from circulation and notify the author's institution.

Each article submitted to SJISSR is subjected to a double-blind review process, involving an editor and at least two referees. In the event that any unethical behavior, such as plagiarism, duplication, false authorship, research/data fabrication, article slicing, or copyright infringement is identified in the submitted articles, the author(s) will be informed of this situation through the editorial board, and the article will be rejected. In the event that these circumstances are identified subsequent to the publication of the article, the editorial board will withdraw the article from circulation and notify the author's institution.
For each article submitted to our journal, authors are expected to utilize plagiarism-detection software such as Turnitin or iThenticate to identify any instances of plagiarism. The results of this analysis are then conveyed to the journal through the submission of the article file, along with the "Plagiarism Report Result" form. In the event that the similarity rate exceeds 20% in the submitted articles, the article will be rejected.
Prior to submission of an article, it is imperative that the principles and policies of publication ethics and the journal's editorial guidelines, which are based on international standards and principles, be carefully read. By submitting an article to the journal, authors are thereby declaring that they accept these principles and rules.

1. Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of the Editorial Board

The decision of the editorial board to include an article in the evaluation process does not imply a commitment to publication. Even if the evaluation process is positive, the editorial board retains the authority to determine whether the article will be published or not, or in which issue it will be published. The editorial board evaluates articles based on their academic and scientific content, regardless of the age, race, gender, religious belief, ethnic origin, nationality, political opinion, and social class of the author. Furthermore, the Editorial Board is responsible for investigating allegations of plagiarism and misconduct in articles. If an article violates publication ethics, the Editorial Board reserves the right to take action in accordance with ethical principles and standards. It is a mandatory condition that an article submitted to our journal must not have been submitted to any other journal at the same time and must not have been included in the journal's evaluation process. Furthermore, the journal ensures the confidentiality of all material submitted to it and all correspondence with referees, unless otherwise agreed upon by the respective authors and referees.

2. Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Authors
Authors may submit their original and scientific work to our journal. They must guarantee that they have made a scientific contribution to the article. Submitted articles must not have been previously published elsewhere or submitted for publication. The author reserves the right to withdraw their article before the review process begins; however, it cannot be withdrawn after the review process begins. It is the responsibility of authors to reference all citations used in the article and to ensure the originality and accuracy of the sources. Furthermore, authors must guarantee that the article does not violate the intellectual property rights of another person or organization, does not contain plagiarism, falsification, distortion, or other ethical violations. All authors named in the article are equally responsible for the published article. The Editorial Board assumes that the authors agree to comply with the conditions specified in the manuscripts submitted to our journal. Manuscripts submitted by authors must adhere to the ethical standards of scientific research and publication.

3. Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Referees
The SJISSR has adopted the principle of double-blind reviewing in the manuscript evaluation process. In accordance with this principle, the identities of the authors are concealed from the reviewers, while the reviewers remain anonymous to the authors. The referees agree to evaluate manuscripts that are within the scope of their expertise. During the evaluation process, referees observe confidentiality and evaluate manuscripts using an impartial and academic language. It is the responsibility of reviewers to refrain from serving their personal interests and to maintain confidentiality. Additionally, they should prioritize objectivity, refrain from engaging in personal criticism, and utilize constructive language during the evaluation process. In the event of a conflict of interest, it is the responsibility of the reviewer to decline to review the study and to inform the journal editor. It is also the responsibility of the reviewers to evaluate the manuscripts in a timely manner in accordance with these principles.

4. Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Editors
SJISSR editors select reviewers in a fair manner and provide them with the information they require. Reviewers are asked to evaluate submissions impartially, scientifically, and objectively. They identify potential conflicts of interest in advance and encourage them to comment on ethical issues. They ensure that they are vigilant about originality and plagiarism and encourage academic institutions to facilitate the refereeing process. They monitor reviewer performance and take measures to ensure high-quality reviews. They provide a mechanism for authors to appeal editorial decisions and guidance on editorial guidelines. They operate the blind peer review and evaluation process and ensure the quality of the journal. They appoint editorial board members and ensure that they contribute to the development of the journal. They communicate regularly with journal owners and publishers. Editors monitor the peer review process and are responsible for the quality of each article published in the journal. They ensure the protection of individual data and strive to ensure academic integrity. In the event that studies are rejected due to the absence of ethics committee approval for the subjects used in the studies or permissions for experimental research, editors are obliged to take precautions against possible misconduct and malpractice. In such cases, they conduct a rigorous and objective investigation, evaluate complaints, and share their findings. To ensure the integrity of academic publications, editors are responsible for correcting errors and resolving inconsistencies. The editors ensure that published articles are securely archived and offer authors the opportunity to publish their articles free of charge. They also protect the intellectual property of all published articles and defend the rights of the journal and authors in case of possible violations. The editors' independent judgments are not influenced by political or commercial considerations.

5. Duties and Responsibilities Related to Intellectual Property
In manuscripts published in the SJISSR, authors guarantee that articles do not violate the intellectual property rights of any other person or organization, do not contain plagiarism, and are their own work. They accept responsibility for this. The opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not reflect the official views of the SJISSR.

6. Privacy Statement
The names and e-mail addresses of individuals who have provided them to the SJISSR website will be used for the stated purposes of this journal. They will not be used for other purposes or for any other section.

All publication rights of the articles accepted for publication at the end of the peer review process belong to SJISSR. There is no article management fee for published articles.